List of wom Div 2 Anderson (SC) List of Team Values for Women D2


               |Real   = actual goal margin        |
               |Pred   = predicted goal margin     |
               |+      = slightly above prediction |
               |++     = above prediction          |
               |+++    = well above prediction     |
               |-      = slightly below prediction |
               |--     = below prediction          |
               |---    = well below prediction     |
               |Goals* = Goals over (+) under (-)  |
               |         prediction. N/A when ten  |
               |         goal limit is exceeded    |
               |n/a    = Outside division          |

   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   203 H Shorter                20- 1      19    13           0.00
   208 H Young Harris           19- 7      12     5           1.49
   215 A UVA Wise               10- 5       5     4           0.03
   224 H Emory & Henry          23- 3      20    27           0.00
   302 A Lenoir-Rhyne           14- 6       8     7           0.00
   306 A Florida Tech            8-11      -3    -1          -1.49
   309 A Palm Beach Atlantic    23-17       6     4           1.77
   313 H Lincoln Memorial       20- 4      16     6           0.09
   316 H Tusculum               15- 5      10    11           0.00
   320 A Emmanuel (GA)          23-15       8     6           0.77
   326 A Limestone               9-11      -2    -2           0.77
   330 A Catawba                21- 4      17    13           0.00
   405 H Virginia State         17- 3      14    16           0.00
   406 H Wingate                16-15       1     0           1.36
   413 A Mars Hill              24- 1      23    19           0.00
   417 H Newberry               13- 6       7     5           1.45
   420 H Lincoln Memorial       17-15       2     6    --    -4.91
   424 A Limestone              10-14      -4    -2          -1.23


   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   420 H Lincoln Memorial       17-15       2     6    --    -4.91


   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*


 Power Rating............. 91.63 Power Rank.................    29
 SOS (PR) Rating.......... 65.02 SOS (PR) Rank..............    80
 SOS (RPI) Rating......... .5648 SOS (RPI) Rank.............    68
 RPI Rating............... .5571 RPI Rank...................    30
 Champ. Probability ......   0.0 Championship Rank .........    31
 Selection sum ...........   114 Selection Rank ............    32
 Qual Win (PR) Rating.....    0. Qual Win (PR) Rank.........    21
 Qual Win (RPI) Rating....   20. Qual Win (RPI) Rank........    16

 Ave Offensive Goals .....  16.8 Ave Defensive Goals .......    7.9
 Wins/Losses(all   )...... 15- 3 Ave Goal diff (all   ).....    8.8
 Wins/Losses(top  5)......  0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top  5).....      
 Wins/Losses(top 10)......  0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 10).....      
 Wins/Losses(top 20)......  1- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 20).....   17.0
 Wins/Losses(last 3)......  2- 1 Ave Goal diff (last 3).....    1.7